Club Constitution
1 | Name of Club: | The name of The Club is “Inniscarra Sailing & Kayaking Club”1 |
2 | Headquarters: | The Headquarters of the Club shall be at Innisleana Recreation Area, Lower Dripsey, County Cork. |
3 | Club Flag: | Shall consist of two sails on a kayak |
4 | Object of the Club: | The object of The Club shall be the promotion of sailing and kayaking amongst individuals and to organize all manner of sailing regattas, races, social activities and the likes. The Club shall be affiliated to the Irish Sailing Association. |
5 | Flag Officers: | The Flag Officers of the Club shall be the Commodore, The Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Vice Commodore, Vice Treasurer, Junior Organiser and the Honorary Child Officer who shall be elected annually at a General Meeting of Members of the Club. |
6 | General Committee: | (a) The day to day running of the Club, election of Members, organisation of sailing leagues and racing events shall be managed by a General Committee, hereinafter called the Committee, composed of the Commodore, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer, the Honorary Child Officer, and not more than three Ordinary Members of The Club who shall be elected annually at a General Meeting, and such Members as may be co-opted in accordance with the following sub Paragraph.
The retiring Commodore shall be an ex officio Member of the Committee for the year following his term in office if he/she so wishes. (b) During the course of year the Committee shall have power to co-opt not more than three additional Ordinary Members of The Club to act on the Committee until the next General Meeting, if the Committee consider that it is in the interests of the development of The Club to do so. (c) Three shall form a quorum for Committee Meetings. (d) Candidates for election as Officers and Committee shall be 1. Those retiring Officers and Committee Members who shall offer themselves and are eligible for re-election. 2. Such other Ordinary Members of The Club whose nominations are duly proposed and seconded by Ordinary Members if the Club (e) If the number of candidates exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled, the election will be by ballot. (f) The honorary officers and committee then in office shall retire at each Annual General Meeting. Members of the outgoing committee are eligible for re-election if nominated as here and after provided for, except that a member cannot hold the office of Commodore for more than three years consecutively. (g) A member will not remain on the committee longer than 5 years (h) A member may be re-elected to the committee after a further 3 years (i) No member shall be allowed to make a profit from the club (j) Any proposed change in the constitution shall be issued to the members at least 10 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting or 5 days in advance of the Emergency General Meeting |
7 | Membership: | (a) The Membership of the Club shall consist of:
(i) ORDINARY Members, 1 vote Who shall be entitled to attend Annual General Meetings of The Club and, when over 18 years of age on January 1 of the current year, to vote at such Meetings. (ii) FAMILY Members: 1 vote A parent and partner, each ranking as an Ordinary Member, together with their children who are under 18 years of age on January 1 of the current year. (iii) YOUTH MEMBERS The Committee shall have power to elect as Youth Members candidates who are under the age of 25 years on the 1st June in a current year. Youth Members shall have no voting power and no right to propose or second candidates for membership or for office. Youth Members shall not be in a position to remain as a Youth Member in the calendar year following the year in which he attains the age of 25 years and they may apply for a transfer to the class of ordinary member in which case no entrance fee shall be payable. (iv) TEMPORARY MEMBERS The Committee shall have power to elect as Temporary Members candidates visiting the Club for a period not exceeding 3 consecutive days once in any year or for the period of a specific Open Club event or for such other period as the General Committee may determine from time to time, provided such membership is applied for in a manner prescribed by the Committee. Temporary Members shall have no voting power and no right to propose or second candidates for membership or for office.
8 | Subscriptions & Vessel Storage: | (1) FAMILY MEMBERS €225.00 (2025)
(2) ORDINARY MEMBERS €150.00 (2025) (3) YOUTH MEMBERS €100.00 (2025) (4) TEMPORARY MEMBERS €10 per day (individual) or €20 per day (family) limited to 5 consecutive days per year (5) Annual fee for a key to the compound and containers included in membership · In respect of any subscription due by an existing Member which has not been paid before 1st March, then that Member shall have been deemed to have resigned · In the case of a newly elected Member, such newly elected Member shall pay his subscription within a period of two weeks from the date of election. If his subscription is not paid within the two week period, then his name will be struck from the Registrar of Members · If a temporary member applies for and is successful in being elected as a full member, then up to two temporary (day) paid up subscriptions will be credited (deducted) from the annual subscription
Should a member not renew their membership and leave their vessel at the club or the surrounding area longer than 3 months then they will be liable to pay vessel storage fees equal to a family membership fee on an annual basis.
9 | Admission of Members: | The election of all Members shall be in the hands of the Committee. |
10 | Honorary Members: | The Committee may elect as Honorary Member anyone who may have rendered exceptional service to The Club, or to the sport of sailing, or whose position or status would render their Membership of special advantage to The Club. |
11 | General Meeting | 1) A General Meeting of Members of the Club shall be held annually for the purpose of:
(1) Passing the Accounts. (2) Election of the Officers and Committee 2) A minimum of 4 Members shall form a quorum at the General Meeting 3) Only Ordinary Members and Family Members are entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting. 4) The Honorary Secretary shall at any time summon a special General Meeting on a resolution of the Committee or a requisition signed by at least ten Ordinary Members. 5) The period of notice for the Annual General Meeting shall be 21 days. 6) Any proposal to change or alter the existing Constitution of the Club shall be put to the Secretary of the Club, at the Annual General Meeting. 7) All such proposed alterations or additions and any amendments suggested in relation to the Constitution shall be put to a vote of the Meeting and provided that on a show of hands or if demanded on a pole, a majority of two thirds of the votes of those ordinary Members present and voting shall be cast in favour of any proposed alterations or additions or amendments, then the same shall be deemed to be carried.
12 | Banking Accounts: | Subscriptions and other Club funds shall be lodged by the Honorary Treasurer to a bank account, which shall be kept in the name of The Club and in such Bank as the Committee may, from time to time, determine. |
13 | Sailing Rules | (a) All races shall be governed by the current racing rules of sailing (RRS) the prescriptions of the Irish Sailing Association, the rules of each appropriate class and subject to such conditions and exemptions as may from time to time be made by the Sailing Committee.
(b) The Sailing Committee shall have the power to make rules and regulations regarding: 1) Personal Buoyancy 2) Positive buoyancy in vessels 3) Third, party indemnity insurance.
The Committee shall have the power to make such other rules and regulations as they think proper for the efficient management and control of racing. |
14 | Personal Property | Any personal belongings of members, visitors, and others brought to, kept at or left at the Innisleana Recreation Area shall be at the sole risk of the owners thereof, and the Land Owners and the Club shall not be responsible for any loss or damage thereto, however arising.
Vessels, launching trolleys and road trailers are parked entirely at the owner’s risk. The Club shall not be liable for any loss or damage however caused to property or equipment on its premises. |
15 | Termination / Suspension of Membership | 1. A member may resign his membership by giving the Honorary Secretary notice in writing to that effect. Every such notice shall, unless otherwise expressed, be deemed to take effect 30 (thirty) days after the receipt thereof.
2. On application, a member may be granted leave of absence at the discretion of the Committee. 3. Should circumstances arise which, for the well-being of the Club, would require the suspension or expulsion of any member, power to that effect shall be vested in the Committee. This power may only be exercised at a Special Committee Meeting called for the purpose of considering the matter. The member complained of shall be afforded the opportunity of a hearing at the Special Committee Meeting. The passing of a Resolution to suspend or expel a member requires the support of three quarters of the Committee members present at the meeting. 4. Any member expelled in accordance with the rules or otherwise ceasing to be a member of the club shall forfeit all such rights to or claims upon the Club or its property or funds as he would have had by reason of membership apart from any monies advanced to the Club funds in excess of his normal subscription and fees. |
Other Matters | Any matter not provided for in these rules shall be dealt with by the General Committee whose decision shall be final.
The said Committee shall hold meetings from time to time as appropriate.
All new Members shall be elected by the Committee.
No person shall be allowed to become Honorary or Temporary Members of the Club or to be relieved of the payment of the subscription except those possessing certain qualifications defined in these Rules, and subject to conditions and regulations prescribed therein.
No person under the age of 18 years shall be admitted as an ordinary Voting Member of the Club. Persons under the age of 18 years who wish to sail under the Club Burgee, may join the Club as Youth Members until such time as they attain the age of 25 years where upon they apply to become Ordinary Members Individual. However, any person over the age of 18 years may, if he or she so wishes, apply for full membership and become a full member at the discretion of the committee. |
1 The Club was founded in May, 2002 and formally established at the first Annual General Meeting held on the 28th of May 2002 in the Weight Inn Dripsey.
Club Protocols
As of April 2025 the club owns 12 no. kayaks identified as ISKC 1-12 stored in Container #1
- Use is restricted to:
- ISKC members
- Inniscarra reservoir
- Club days/evenings
- Courses organized by the club only
- When an Officer of the Club is present
- ISKC club members are encouraged to complete the “Get Kayaking” course
- Non members using the kayaks for a course will need day-membership
- Complete the logbook on launching and landing:
- Name of Member
- Kayak number used
- Any faults or damages found
- All paddles shall be leashed to the kayak before leaving the slip
- Minimum 3 people required on any kayak trip for safety reasons (one person to stay with kayaker and one to get help).
- Kayakers should wear suitable clothing for the weather:
- Wetsuit, water shoes, own buoyancy aid and whistle at all times
- A Cagoule/jacket, hat, sunglasses and suncream as needed.
- Dry clothes are recommended for afterwards.
- The lake water can be very cold (11C April 2021) and prolonged immersion or exposure when wet can lead to hypothermia.
Emergency Communication:
- Carry a phone in a waterproof pouch on your person and call 112 or 999 in an emergency
- If available carry a VHF radio, Channel 69 is used by the Club, Channel 16 is for emergency. Be aware that a VHF is line of sight only so if you cannot see the person you are broadcasting to you cannot be heard.
Further Safety Information at &
ISKC Club Members are encouraged to complete the “Get Kayaking” course
- ISKC Members can store their personal kayaks in Containers #4 and #7
- Space is not guaranteed and is on a “first come first served” basis
- Personal kayaks shall display a current membership sticker and owners’ initials
- Kayaks without a current membership sticker shall be removed from the containers
- All Craft and ancillaries are stored entirely at the owners’ risk; the club is not liable for any loss or damage to property or equipment on its premises.
- The Club key, which opens the Compound gate and Containers #4 & #7, is changed yearly and will be provided on payment of membership.
- Members shall lock the containers securely on removing or replacing items.
- All paddles shall be leashed to the kayak before leaving the slip
- Minimum 3 people recommended on any kayak trip for safety reasons (one person to stay with kayaker and one to get help).
- Kayakers should wear suitable clothing for the weather:
- Wetsuit, water shoes, own buoyancy aid and whistle at all times
- A Cagoule/jacket, hat, sunglasses and suncream as needed.
- Dry clothes are recommended for afterwards.
- The lake water can be very cold (11C April 2021) and prolonged immersion or exposure when wet can lead to hypothermia.
Emergency Communication:
- Carry a phone in a waterproof pouch on your person and call 112 or 999 in an emergency
- If available carry a VHF radio, Channel 69 is used by the Club, Channel 16 is for emergency. Be aware that a VHF is line of sight only so if you cannot see the person you are broadcasting to you cannot be heard.
Further Safety Information at &
Club Policies
Inniscarra Sailing and Kayak Club Child protection policy
Inniscarra sailing and Kayak Club is fully committed to safeguarding the well being of its members. Every individual in the organisation should at all times, show respect and understanding for members rights, safety and welfare and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the organisation and the guidelines contained in the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport in Ireland.
The guidance given in this code of conduct is based on the principles
set out in the following publications:
“Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport”, Irish
Sports Council.
“Children First” National Guidelines for the Protection and
Welfare of Children.
The aim of this code is to promote good practice by everyone involved in the sport of Sailing and Kayaking to provide a safe, healthy, enjoyable environment for young members.
Core Values in Young People’s Sport
Integrity in relationships:
Adults interacting with children in sport should do so with integrity and respect for the child. There is a danger that sporting contexts can be used to exploit or undermine children. All adult actions in sport should be guided by what is best for the child and in the context of quality, open working relationships. Verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse of any kind is unacceptable within sport.
Fair Play:
All children’s sport should be conducted in an atmosphere of fair play. Ireland has contributed, and is committed, to the European Code of Sports Ethics, which defines fair play as: “much more than playing within the rules. It incorporates the concepts of friendship, respect for others and always playing with the right spirit. Fair play is defined as a way of thinking, not just behaving. It incorporates issues concerned with the elimination of opportunities, excessive commercialisation and corruption.(European Sports Charter and Code of Ethics, Council of Europe, 1993).
Quality atmosphere and ethos:
Children’s sport should be conducted in a safe, positive and encouraging atmosphere. A Child centred ethos will help to ensure that competition and specialisation are kept in their appropriate place. Too often competitive demands are placed on children too early and results in excessive levels of pressure on them and as a consequence, high levels of dropout from sport.
All children should be treated in an equitable and fair manner regardless of age, ability, sex, religion, social and ethnic background or political persuasion. Children with disability should be involved in sports activities in an integrated way, thus allowing them to participate to their potential alongside other children.
Adoption of the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport
At Inniscarra Sailing and Kayaking club we believe that Children in sport are entitled to;
∙ Be listened to
∙ Be believed
∙ Be safe and to feel safe
∙ Participate in sporting activities on an equal basis, appropriate to their ability and stage of development
∙ Be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect
∙ Be happy, have fun and enjoy sport
∙ Experience competition at a level at which they feel comfortable and the desire to win as a positive and healthy outcome for striving for best performance
∙ Comment and make suggestions in a constructive manner
∙ Make a complaint in an appropriate way and have it dealt with through an effective complaints procedure
∙ Be afforded appropriate confidentiality
∙ Be represented at decision making bodies/meetings within their sports club/organisation
∙ Have a voice in the running of their club
∙ Approach the Children’s Officer/Designated Person with any questions or concerns they may have
To ensure that the best practice is followed by this club we shall work closely with our Governing Body the Irish Sailing Association. In order to promote the best practice in children’s sport, we shall comply with the guidelines of the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport; as set out in Section 2.7 which are:
∙ Adopt and implement the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport as an integral part of its policy on children in the club
∙ Have its constitution approved and adopted by club’s members at an AGM or EGM
∙ Promote the voice of the child, in particular through meetings and the AGM. One parent/guardian should have one vote for all their children under 18 years of age, where relevant
∙ Ensure that the Club Management Committee is elected or endorsed by registered club members at each AGM
∙ Adopt and consistently apply a safe and clearly defined method of recruiting and selecting Sports Leaders
∙ Clearly define the role of committee members, all Sports Leaders and parents/guardians
∙ Appoint at least one Children’s Officer as outlined at 2.8.1 in this Code. In the event that a club caters for both boys and girls, one Children’s Officer of each gender would ideally be appointed
∙ Have a Designated Person to act as liaison with the Statutory Authorities in relation to the reporting of allegations or suspicions of child abuse. (See 5.12) Any such reports should be made according to the procedures outlined in this Code
∙ Ensure best practice throughout the club by disseminating its code of conduct, including the disciplinary, complaints and appeals procedures in operation within the club to all its members. The club’s code of conduct should also be posted in all facilities used by the club
∙ Have in place procedures for dealing with a concern or complaint made to the Statutory Authorities against a committee member or Sports Leader or other members of the club. Regulations should stipulate that a Sports Leader who is the subject of an allegation, which has been reported to the Statutory Authorities, should stand aside, while the matter is being examined. s/he should be invited to resume full duties when and if appropriate internal disciplinary procedures are completed
∙ Ensure that relevant Sports Leaders report to the Club Management Committee on a regular basis
∙ Encourage regular turnover of committee membership while ensuring continuity and experience
∙ Develop effective procedures for responding to and recording accidents
∙ Ensure that any unusual activity (high rate of drop-out, transfers, etc.) is checked out and reported by the Club Chairperson to the Governing Body of Sport
∙ Ensure that all club members are given adequate notice of AGMs and other meetings
∙ Ensure that all minutes of all meetings (AGMs/EGMs/, Committee) are recorded and safely filed.
Protection of Children at Inniscarra sailing and kayaking club
Leaders in children’s sport should strive to create a positive environment for the children in their care. They have an overall responsibility to take the steps necessary to ensure that positive and healthy experiences are provided.
Responding to Disclosure, Suspicions & Allegations
The Inniscarra sailing and Kayaking club accepts that organisations, which include children as members, are vulnerable to the occurrence of child abuse and therefore there is a need for policies and procedures to deal with this issue. The safety of young people is everyone’s responsibility. False allegations of abuse can occur.
However, if a young person says or indicates that he/she is being abused, or information is obtained which gives concern that a young person is being abused, you should react immediately.
The Protection for Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act, 1998 provides immunity from civil liability to persons who report child abuse "reasonably and in good faith" to the Health Board or the Gardai (See 5.13.1 – ISC. Code). The act also covers the offence of “false reporting”. This Act came into operation on 23rd January 1999.
The main provisions of the Act are:
- The provision of immunity from civil liability to any person who reports child abuse “reasonably and in good faith” to designated officers of Health Boards or any member of An Garda Siochána;
- The provision of significant protections for employees who report child abuse. These protections cover all employees and all forms of discrimination up to and including, dismissal;
- The creation of a new offence of false reporting of child abuse where a person makes a report of child abuse to the appropriate authorities “knowing that statement to be false”. This is a new criminal offence designed to protect innocent persons from malicious reports.
Everyone involved in child protection matters should be aware of their responsibility to work in co-operation with the statutory child protection authorities.
The term “Sports Leader” means all adults, in a paid or voluntary capacity e.g. club helpers, tournament officials, coaches, team managers, camp managers.
If a Sports Leader or a parent/guardian is uneasy or suspicious about a child’s safety or welfare the following response should be made:
RESPONSE TO A CHILD REPORTING ANY FORM OF ABUSE The following Actions should be taken:
∙ React calmly.
∙ Listen compassionately and carefully –keep the questions to an absolute minimum, ∙ Facilitate the child to tell about the problem.
∙ Take what the child is saying seriously.
∙ Remember the child has decided to tell about something very important and has taken a risk to do so.
∙ Reassure the child.
∙ If the nature of what the child is saying is unclear, use open, non-specific questions such as "Can you explain to me what you mean by that";
∙ The child should be given some indication of what happens next - informing parents/guardians, health board or social services. It should be kept in mind that the child may have been threatened and may feel vulnerable at this stage.
∙ Carefully record the details.
The following actions should be avoided:
∙ Do not make promises of confidentiality – it may not be possible to keep that promise. ∙ Do not make a judgement or make negative comments about the alleged abuser ∙ Do not speculate or make assumptions
∙ Do not interview the child – do not probe for more information than is offered ∙ Do not approach the alleged abuser
∙ Do not allow your shock or distaste to show.
Reporting Child Abuse
It is not the responsibility of anyone working under the auspices of Inniscarra Sailing and Kayaking club, in a paid or voluntary capacity, or those working in affiliated organisations, to take responsibility or decide whether or not child abuse is taking place.
However, there is a responsibility to protect children in order that appropriate agencies can then make enquiries and take any necessary action to protect the young person.
Actions to Take:
∙ Observe and note dates, times, locations and contexts in which the incident occurred or suspicion was aroused, together with any other relevant information; ∙ Report the matter as soon as possible to the person designated for reporting abuse (the senior office holder, normally the Chairperson).
∙ If the Chairperson has reasonable grounds (See 5.13.1 of ISC code) for believing that the child has been abused or is at risk of abuse, s/he will make a report to the health board/social services who have statutory responsibility to investigate and assess suspected or actual child abuse.
∙ In cases of emergency, where a child appears to be at immediate and serious risk and the designated person is unable to contact a duty social worker, the police authorities should be contacted.
∙ Under no circumstances should a child be left in a dangerous situation pending intervention by the Statutory Authorities.
Make a record of the report.
∙ If the designated person is unsure whether reasonable grounds for concern exist or not, s/he should informally consult with the local health board/social services. S/he will be advised whether or not the matter requires a formal report;
∙ A designated person reporting suspected or actual child abuse to the Statutory Authorities should first inform the family of their intention to make such a report, unless doing so would endanger the child or undermine an investigation;
∙ A report should be given by the designated person to the Statutory Authorities in person or by phone, and in writing;
∙ It is best to report child abuse concerns by making personal contact with the relevant personnel in the Statutory Authorities.
If such an allegation is made, two procedures should be followed:
∙ The reporting procedure as outlined in “Reporting Child Abuse”.
∙ The procedure for dealing with the Sports Leader (below)
The following points should be considered:
The safety of the child making the allegation and any others who are/may be at risk should be ensured and this should take precedence over any other consideration. In this regard, the sports club/organisation should take any necessary steps that may be immediately necessary to protect children If a Sports Leader is the subject of the concern s/he should be treated with respect and fairness
Steps to be taken within the Sports Organisation
Where reasonable grounds for concern exist the following steps should be taken by the club/organisation:
Advice should be sought from the local health board/social services with regard to any action by the club deemed necessary to protect the child/children who may be at risk
The matter should be reported to the local health board/social services following the standard reporting procedure outlined above In the event that the concern is connected to the actions of a Sports Leader in the club, the Sports Leader involved in the concern should be asked to stand aside pending the outcome of any investigation by the Statutory Authorities. It is advisable that an appointed committee member other than the Chairperson, who takes the responsibility for reporting, undertakes this task.
The Sports Leader should be informed, in private,
∙ That an allegation has been made against him/her,
∙ The nature of the allegation,
S/he should be afforded an opportunity to respond. His/her response should be noted and passed on to the health board/social services personnel. All persons involved in a child protection process (the child, his/her parents/guardians, the alleged offender, his/her family, Sports Leaders)should be afforded appropriate respect, fairness, support and confidentiality at all stages of the procedure.
Every effort should be made to ensure that confidentially is maintained for all concerned.
Information should be handled and disseminated on a need to know basis only. Information should be stored in a secure place, with limited access to designated people.
The requirements of the Data Protection laws should be adhered to.
Breach of confidentiality is a serious manner.
Anonymous Complaints
Anonymous complaints can be difficult to deal with but should not be ignored. In all cases the safety and welfare of the child/children is paramount. Any such complaints relating to inappropriate behaviour should be brought to the attention of the Chairperson. The information should be checked out and handled in a confidential manner.
Rumours should not be allowed to hang in the air. Any rumours relating to inappropriate behaviour should be brought to the attention of the Chairperson and checked out without delay.
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Inniscarra Sailing and Kayak Club – Child Protection Policy