Individual Membership ApplicationMembership Type *Please select an optionFamily - €225Individual - €150Youth (U25) - €100Email Address *Member DetailsMember Name *Spouse or Partner NameMobile Number *Home NumberWork NumberSwimming Ability *Please select an optionNon SwimmerBeginnerImproverAdvancedLife SaverMedical DetailsConditions and MedicationMethod and Dose (e.g. injection, inhaler):Next of Kin DetailsNameRelationshipMobile Phone NumberAddressDoctors DetailsDoctors NameDoctors PhoneMedical ConsentIMPORTANT It is your responsibility to inform the coordinator at every club event of the condition, and to ensure they know where to find and how to use your medication. An existing medical condition will not necessarily preclude participation, but it must be declared. Should you be in any doubt, seek advice from your doctor. I consent to myself/my child receiving appropriate first aid OR In a medical emergency consent to medical treatment which, in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner, may be necessary.Treatment Consent I give consent to ANY medical treatment to be provided in the event of an emergency.Limited Treatment Consent I give consent for any medical treatment to be provided EXCLUDING the below.Exclusions from Medical Treatment ConsentMembership ConditionsMembership ConditionsI agree:• to abide by the Constitution and bye-laws of ISKC• that lifejackets must be worn at all times• to leave no trace i.e. take home what I bring I accept that:• sailing, kayaking or canoeing is undertaken at my own risk• responsibility for safety of participant and equipment rests exclusively with such participant and in the case of a youth with their parent or guardian. I confirm that:• my child is not subject to any court order prohibiting access, OR publication of their image.• I or my child does not suffer from any disability or medical condition that may result in being unfit for strenuous exercise.• my children will be accompanied by an adultDisclaimerAny personal belongings of members, visitors, and others brought to, kept at or left at the Innisleana Recreation Area shall be at the sole risk of the owners thereof, and the Land Owners and the Club shall not be responsible for any loss or damage thereto, however arising. Vessels, launching trolleys and road trailers are parked entirely at the owner’s risk. The Club shall not be liable for any loss or damage however caused to property or equipment on its premises. Neither is the Club responsible for any materials left in the containers. Consent *I have read and agree with the membership conditions above.Other MembershipsUpload Racing Insurance Certificate (if applicable)Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileProposed BySeconded ByIF YOU WOULD PREFER NOT TO HAVE PHOTOGRAPHS OF YOU OR YOUR FAMILY POSTED ON THE CLUB WEBSITE CHECK THIS BOXNo PhotosIndicate the number of stickers required if any for Dinghy storageIndicate the number of stickers required if any for Kayak storageSubmit